
Archive for the ‘Gambling’ Category

The Best Sport To Bet On

August 27, 2012 Leave a comment

Sports enthusiasts the world over can often be found logging on to their computers and locating an online sports betting site to place wagers on their favorite teams. There are a multitude of options to choose from both in the numerous websites available and the many different sports to choose from.

Many a discussion among sports fans has centered around which is the best sport to bet on. This is not answered easily in a universal sense because different people will have different reasons for choosing a preference of betting on one particular sport over another. For each individual, it is more a matter of personal taste.

If we were to delve into the topic a bit deeper, we would have to examine the reasons why sports bettors place wagers in the first place. Naturally, the first reason that comes to mind would be to profit financially. Bettors want to win their bets and make money. In that sense, the best sport to bet on would be one that allows for the greatest profitability. If a bettor in, say, the United States, is an avid basketball fan and follows the game closely to the point of knowing statistics on all the players and the ins and outs of the game, such knowledge could pay off quite handsomely at a sports betting site.

Perhaps that same American basketball fan is able to win consistently year after year wagering on basketball at his favorite online sports betting site. One would naturally assume that his answer would be that basketball is the best sport to bet on. Now what if this same bettor was an amateur boxer in his younger days, but was forced to give up the sport due to an injury. He has still retained his love for the “sweet science” and follows the action closely, having more than a passing familiarity with various boxers in each weight class. Our betting enthusiast also places wagers on fights but has not achieved the same win rate as he enjoys betting on basketball. As a matter of fact, when it comes to boxing, he has been a consistent loser.

The reasons for his inability to win his boxing bets may be many, but chief among them could be the fact that the ex-fighter is betting with his heart instead of his head. His attachment to the sport and love for boxing competition may keep him from making the best decisions when he favors particular boxers over others due to perhaps their boxing style or similarities to his own tendencies during his boxing heyday. He may gravitate toward wagering on certain fighters for reasons other than sound boxing skills.

If you were to ask this particular boxing enthusiast which is the best sport to bet on, you may be surprised to hear that his answer is not basketball–the sport that earns him a tidy profit due to his ability to make correct decisions on which team to place wagers according to various point spreads and over/under betting options. Our American boxing wannabe may actually say that the best sport to bet on is boxing because his love for the game is so great that he finds tremendous pleasure in being part of the action and having money on the line despite his propensity toward losing the majority of his boxing wagers.

Although bettors bet in order to make money on their wagers, there may be other factors involved when determining the best sport to bet on. For most, it is a matter of personal taste according to which sport may be their favorite. So the best sport to bet on is entirely up to each individual bettor.